Kaushik K N

Software Engineer / Web Developer

Kaushik K N

Software Engineer / Web Developer

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Hi, I'm Kaushik K N!

Software Engineer / Web Developer

I work at Siemens Healthineers as a Software Developer also I design beautiful, engaging user experiences for websites. I pride myself on reliable communication with my friends and I'm an easy to work with and a friendly guy. You can find out more about me and then get in touch for a chat .


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Bachelor of Engineering

University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering 2012 - 2016

Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems. One man's "magic" is another man's engineering. "Supernatural" is a null word


VVS Sardar Patel PU College 2012


MES Kishora Kendra 2010

Work Experience

Siemens Healthcare Pvt Ltd.

Senior Software Engineer Dec 2019 - Current

Working in DevOps team, responsible for Build and Release of products

Software Developer July 2016 - Nov 2019

Analyzing information, understanding the problem, adapting and applying engineering techniques; reviewing and tests;

Placement Office, UVCE

Placement Coordinator

As a placement coordinator, was responsible for getting the companies to visit our campus for recruitment process. Also helped in conducting various training programmes for students in various aspects of recruitment like technical, communication.


Joint Secretary

Managed day to day activities of this technical club. Organized Kagada - Paper Presentation contest and Impetus - Technical Fest


Professional Skills

Leadership, Confidence, Communication

Web Technologies


Language Skills

C, C#



I love to travel because it keeps me living and experiencing this wonderful world where every turn makes a new memory and there is always something new to taste last but not the least because it makes you fall in love with your life.


I like to read inspirational, fictional genre of books. It helps me grow as a person, expanding my views in life, affecting my thought process and decisions.

Finance and Current Affairs

Financial literacy is the mixture of financial, credit and debt management and the knowledge that is necessary to make financially responsible decisions. They are integral to our everyday lives.
It is so important to be connected to the world; we all are directly or indirectly affected by what goes around us. We cannot exist in vacuum !!


1. Online Placement Portal

Developed a Web Application of Online Registration for companies that helps in generating database automatically for The Training and Placement Office, UVCE. View Here

2. Alphonso At Your Door

Developed a website for Online presence and marketing for farm grown Alphonso Mangoes View Here

3. Yellow Goat Express

Developed a website for YGE for their online platform, they are involved in conducting games and activities using educational and DIY toys. View Here

4. Astrology Website

Worked on the new website for Manisha View Here

5. Edusparkz

Worked on Edusparkz website, startup... View Here

6. Reporting Application

Developed a website for managing reports and accounts. View Here

7. Portfolio Management Service

Monitoring your portfolio across various Stocks, Mutual Funds View Here

8. Dept. of CSE, UVCE Website

Developed a website for Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, UVCE, Bangalore. View Here


Send me a message


Bangalore, India


+91 77600 93655



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