Admit it.. You're thinking..

1Where can you see the Yellow Goat Express?
Everywhere! Schools, Parks, Malls, your appartment's Durga pujo Flea market, and if you're lucky, even at your own Birthday Party!
2Why are you called Yellow Goat Express?
Because it's fun, fast and only makes sense if you want it to.
3Does Yellow Goat only allow kids to play?
Yes! we believe everyone has a kid inside them, so if you want to play aboard the Yellow Goat Express, you need to wake up the kid inside you.
4What if there is no kid inside me?
Just board the express and we'll bring the kid in you back to life!
5Do you do corporate events?
Yes we do. We do learning and team building activities for employees of organisations. These are generally learning session activities which seems fun but in fact involves a lot of analytics.
6Ok, I'm excited, now how do I board the Yellow Goat Express?
Just give us a call. Ofcourse, you dont always have to call us to your place. Just keep following us on social media and you'll know where the express is pulling in next.

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Tell us everything! Leave nothing out!!